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The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides Book Review

  The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides Book Review  Details of   The Silent Patient Book Name:  The Silent Patient Authors:  Alex Michaelides Pages:  336 Publish Date:  05-02-2019 Language:  English Genre : Thriller, Novel, Mystery, Psychological thriller, Suspense, Psychological Fiction Book Review: The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides t his book was just so stunning; I gave it 5 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. So, I wanted to make a summary and hopefully talk you into reading this book because it was just phenomenal.  I've been recommending it to anyone who will actually listen to me recommend books.  Before we begin, share it with your friends, and subscribe to the channel if you want more bookish stuff.  Okay, so "The Silent Patient," I listened to it as an audiobook.  I have not actually read it as a physical book, but I do highly recommend getting this as an audiobook because it's told through different perspectives. I'll tell you whose perspectives in just

Rick Ross Perfect Day by Rick Ross Book Review

  Rick Ross Perfect Day by Rick Ross Book Review  Details of The Perfect Day to Boss Up by Rick Ross Book Book Name:  The Perfect Day to Boss Up Authors:  Rick Ross Pages:  97 Genre:  Self Help Publish Date:  Sep 7, 2021 Language:  English Book Review: The Perfect Day By Rick Ross this book I really did enjoy. So he wrote it, like I said, during COVID. And so that was 2020. And he starts out just kind of like, you know, he was saying how he caught the fungus, you know, he called it the fungus. He had it before anybody else had it, you know, him and his couple of friends. And then when everything hit, he kind of was at home. He has a house in Atlanta, and it's the old Holyfield estate. So it's acres and acres of just land. And if you ever saw "Coming to America," that's his house. That lets you know the magnitude. So he's renting his home out to different movie studios, you know, movie people so that they can actually film there and pay him a fee. So at home

The Risk by S.T Abby Book Review

The Risk by S.T Abby Book Review  The Risk by St. Abby. Using that pen name, I'll refer to it as Mind F for the purpose of this blog to navigate around potential restrictions. This review will be spoiler-free, providing a general overview of my opinions on the series. If you're intrigued, stick around to hear more. First and foremost, I must emphasize major trigger warnings for this book. The content is notably heavy, dark, and at times, quite intense. The narrative delves into graphic descriptions, including amputations and unsettling scenes, adding to the complexity of the storyline.  Lena, the protagonist, is a survivor of a heinous crime, setting the stage for a revenge-driven plot. The series cleverly draws parallels to Twilight, specifically the story of Rosalie. The intentional use of an apple on the cover, reminiscent of Twilight's symbolism, adds a layer of depth to the narrative. It's a fan fiction that pays homage to Rosalie's distressing history, creatin

Ghosts of The Silent Hills by Anita Krishan Book Review

  Ghosts of The Silent Hills by Anita Krishan Book Review  Anita Krishan's "Ghosts of The Silent Hills" has successfully reignited my passion for horror fiction, and after a long hiatus, this collection of short stories has left me craving more from the genre. The book, reminiscent of the eerie atmosphere portrayed in the Bollywood movie 'Stree,' proved to be an enthralling and spine-chilling experience that had me hooked from start to finish. The collection revolves around haunting tales of dissatisfied souls, each narrating a ghostly story that serves as a mirror reflecting the flaws within our society and humanity. From the eerie silence to the misty air, the screeches and screams, and the blood-curdling horror, every element in these stories contributed to an extraordinary and unforgettable reading experience. Krishan's writing effortlessly captures the creepiness and fear that permeate each narrative. The vivid descriptions transport the reader into a wor

A Vow Of Hate by Lylah James Book Review

A Vow Of Hate by Lylah James Book Review  This book had its moments of enjoyment, but I found myself frequently puzzled and somewhat frustrated by its twists and turns. One persistent source of confusion for me was the vague time period in which the story unfolded.  It emitted an unusual historical romance ambience that lingered throughout the narrative, creating a discord with the modern elements. The central plot element, an arranged marriage, is a theme often seen in contemporary romance, yet the reasoning behind the characters' forced union remains perplexing.  While the male protagonist hailed from a high-society family, the background of the female protagonist's family, the driving force behind their union, remained obscure.  The sole purpose seemed to be the necessity of producing a child to forge a blood connection between the families. This lack of clarity left me wanting more substance to support the crucial plot point. Adding to the enigma was the female character

The Immortals Of Meluha Book Review

  The Immortals Of Meluha Book Review  The Immortals of Meluha" is a phenomenal  example of how a book with a great concept — I mean, just the time this is set in 1900 BC alone is enough to perk my ears up and go, "Most fantasy isn't set that long ago" — being absolutely destroyed by technical problems.  It's really a failure to launch. We have this big beautiful rocket on the launch pad that I'm excited to see soar to these heights, and it only gets like 300 feet in the air before exploding. It's just not delivering on what was promised. Now, if you're a reader, though, who's not bothered by these more technical issues I talked about — weaker prose, you know, some telling not showing, a severe insistence on repetition — you could absolutely still enjoy this just on the premise.  It's executed well enough, and the ending could bother some but overall is satisfactory in that nature. So if you are a plot reader, you'll probably have your rat

One Day Life Will Change by Saranya Umakanthan Book Review

One Day Life Will Change by Saranya Umakanthan Book Review  The world is functioning normally as always. But we form our own perspective of this world based on our experiences. If a family member behaves a certain way, we assume that many people are like that. We tend to judge the ways of the world based on our past experiences. Especially when we have experienced a breakup or heartbreak we find it difficult to trust people. This book is all about how trusting people can change our lives. Saranya Umakanthan has written a book titled One Day, Life Will Change. We have already reviewed one of her books for our Book Show. This book is a National Best Seller. Our heroine is struck by a turbulent marriage. But breaking up the marriage is a big deal. Just like how we don't know what we want. we have never learnt to say No to things that we don't want right from our childhood. Just like how the mother feeds the kid more than he needs even if he says no. We tend to stay in a toxic rela