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A Vow Of Hate by Lylah James Book Review

A Vow Of Hate by Lylah James Book Review 

This book had its moments of enjoyment, but I found myself frequently puzzled and somewhat frustrated by its twists and turns. One persistent source of confusion for me was the vague time period in which the story unfolded. 

It emitted an unusual historical romance ambience that lingered throughout the narrative, creating a discord with the modern elements.

The central plot element, an arranged marriage, is a theme often seen in contemporary romance, yet the reasoning behind the characters' forced union remains perplexing. 

While the male protagonist hailed from a high-society family, the background of the female protagonist's family, the driving force behind their union, remained obscure. 

The sole purpose seemed to be the necessity of producing a child to forge a blood connection between the families. This lack of clarity left me wanting more substance to support the crucial plot point.

Adding to the enigma was the female character's choice to conceal her face with a veil, ostensibly due to facial scars. While the initial concealment made sense, her continued use of the veil even when alone raised eyebrows. 

The inconsistency in her behaviour, especially after revealing her face to the male lead, left me scratching my head. Despite his absence for six months, she persisted in this peculiar practice, resembling a phantom haunting her own castle.

The narrative introduced terms like "rake," typically associated with historical romances, yet the characters coexisted with modern amenities like cell phones, emails, and social media. 

This created a jarring juxtaposition that disrupted the immersion in the story world. The clash of historical language with contemporary technology pulled me out of the narrative, making it challenging to fully engage with the characters and their predicaments.

The initial half of the book unfolded at a frustratingly slow pace. The continuous back-and-forth between characters became tedious, and at times, I questioned whether the story would ever progress. 

Fortunately, the narrative redeemed itself with two unexpected twists that injected a much-needed burst of excitement. These unforeseen developments elevated the story and held my interest, preventing me from abandoning the book altogether.

However, the transition between past and present, particularly after the first major twist, felt abrupt and unnatural. The shift disrupted the flow of the narrative, leaving me momentarily disoriented. Additionally, a confusing revelation emerged after the characters' first intimate encounter. 

The male lead, in his mid-30s, claimed to be a virgin, a statement contradicted by his subsequent behaviour, which did not align with the inexperience one would expect. This inconsistency left me questioning whether I had misinterpreted the character or if there was an oversight in the storytelling.

In conclusion, while the book had its share of confusion and moments of frustration, the unexpected twists and turns injected a much-needed spark into the storyline. 

However, the disjointed blend of historical and modern elements, coupled with inconsistent character behaviours, detracted from the overall reading experience. Despite its shortcomings, the book managed to salvage some appeal through its unpredictable plot twists.

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