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Ghosts of The Silent Hills by Anita Krishan Book Review


Ghosts of The Silent Hills

Ghosts of The Silent Hills by Anita Krishan Book Review 

Anita Krishan's "Ghosts of The Silent Hills" has successfully reignited my passion for horror fiction, and after a long hiatus, this collection of short stories has left me craving more from the genre. The book, reminiscent of the eerie atmosphere portrayed in the Bollywood movie 'Stree,' proved to be an enthralling and spine-chilling experience that had me hooked from start to finish.

The collection revolves around haunting tales of dissatisfied souls, each narrating a ghostly story that serves as a mirror reflecting the flaws within our society and humanity. From the eerie silence to the misty air, the screeches and screams, and the blood-curdling horror, every element in these stories contributed to an extraordinary and unforgettable reading experience.

Krishan's writing effortlessly captures the creepiness and fear that permeate each narrative. The vivid descriptions transport the reader into a world filled with supernatural occurrences, allowing me to visualize the scenes with unsettling clarity. The perfect length of each story only heightened my interest, keeping me captivated throughout.

One of the standout features of this collection is the author's ability to develop characters with raw emotions, making them relatable even in the midst of paranormal encounters. The action sequences are well-crafted, contributing to the overall immersive experience. These tales of the supernatural, while terrifying, were undeniably inviting and absorbing.

Reading "Ghosts of The Silent Hills" was an engaging and immersive experience for me. There wasn't a single dull moment, and I found myself eagerly reading the book in batches at different times of the day. Even during a midnight reading session, the last few pages managed to evoke a palpable sense of an unwanted presence, adding an extra layer of thrill without paralyzing me with fear.

In conclusion, for those seeking a different and captivating reading experience, especially for those venturing into horror fiction, "Ghosts of The Silent Hills" comes highly recommended. Anita Krishan has masterfully crafted a collection that will leave readers eagerly anticipating their next supernatural encounter within its pages. This book is a testament to the author's storytelling prowess and her ability to create a world where the paranormal feels both real and hauntingly inviting.

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