The Courage To Be Disliked Book Summary Hello good people of the internet, welcome to a very special episode of the Unlearning Playground podcast. Today, what I'm doing is I'm reviewing one of my favourite books. And you know, with a guy like me, I think you would expect me, when I say that I'm reviewing one of my favourite books, to review one of the books that are placed in this section here, within this section. I think there are at least a dozen books that I've devoured multiple times over the years and have loved over so many years. But still, when I chose to review a book today, I decided to review what is probably the most recent addition to the list of my favourite books. And it is this book, "The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ishiro Kishimi and Fumitake. I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing these names correctly, by the way. These are Japanese names. But this is a beautiful, beautiful book. And I think what I love the most about this bo...