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Heaven official's blessing book review 

Hi everyone's friend here with a double book review today these are two books that I have finished at the very start of may  the first one is heaven officials blessings by mo jin 

She I think I know the x is supposed to be and so I'm working on it um this is apparently all the rage at the moment I knew nothing about this since I saw on the shelves and waterstones 

I thought they look really pretty um they're actually novels so these are not um manga but there is apparently an anime series based on these so I need to go and watch that apparently and my six formers have been raving about these as well this type of story is called dun dun me 

I think which apparently translates as indulgence in beauty there's a brilliant glossary in the back of it there's a pronunciation guide there are character guys like coaching guys there's so much information in the back of these books 

It's brilliant and um this is volume one in the series so we're introduced to our main character who is called who has basically been banished from the heaven realms at least twice and he's been sent down to the mortal world for a third time to go and sort things out basically and it's a series of adventures that they go through 

Picking up various people along the way and it's actually really gory I mean I can see why this is labeled as the 17 plus readers because there's like full blown body horror in here

 So this is not for young teenagers and so as a result I will not be getting it in my school library because I'm gonna have issues with the world but it's really some subtly told it's like a fairy tale 

It's got that kind of feel to it again with translations I do feel the english language is totally inadequate and I think that I am missing out so much detail and beauty in the language probably because english completely sucks as a language

So I feel like you know if you can read the original language version of this book because I just feel like sometimes I was missing things or there was word to use and I thought that's not the word I would have used and because it's translation I think it's kind of that way do you know what 

I mean um but this was really like gentle I started off like a kind of run-of-the-mill I've been sent down to go and sort out these problems I'm sorting out these problems I'm meeting 

So many great humans I meet some really awful people and then there's all this like um folklore and all that that's woven into it and all the mythology of the area and then it suddenly becomes a bit more involved and there's a bit more politics going on from the heaven heaven officials 

I sort of got to the end and it's like oh no you you can't leave it there you know the romance has just really kind of got it going it's has been really subtle all the way through 

So I'm gonna have to go and try and find book two there are at least two other books that I've seen in this style on the shelves at the moment so I will probably give them a go as well but if you want something a little bit different a little bit gentle romance 

A little bit gory with lots of chinese mythology and all that kind of stuff thrown in then you can't go wrong with this just just be aware of the goal level I think more than anything else um yeah a pleasant surprise the other one I read this in one sitting and it's heart stopper by alice osman 

This is volume one obviously and um for those who have been living under a rock this is boy meets boy boy falls for boy and you know cute kind of think it's a graphic novel there you go and I can see why people are raving about this obviously 

It's got a lot of hype because of the next series which apparently is a really good adaptation and it's on my torch list this just left me feeling warm and fuzzy and really hopeful about the future 

It was just a really nice gentle honest progression of two people meeting becoming friends and kind of falling in love and it's really kind of honest I mean everybody reads books about people falling in love 

They're all like drama and angst and all that and actually most romances start off like this you know just the general companionship and friendship and just enjoying and being each other's company and all that and this is very relatable even 

If you're not gay I think this is still relatable I certainly saw a lot of what I felt growing up and falling in love with my husband in here and it's just so positive and I think we need more of this and my god

If the world was like heart stopper what a great place we'd be living in it's absolutely gorgeous and I will be picking up volume 2 because I really want to find out what happens to nick and charlie I've had some kind of spoilers 

So I'm a little bit nervous now but if you just want something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy and really hopeful and a true reflection on what relationship should be this is the one to read it really is

I like that I read it in one sitting about just over an hour and it's gorgeous it just really is gorgeous I understand why this is so popular there we go two very very different books.

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Also read: An Inside Story by Sadhguru Book Review

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