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Rick Ross Perfect Day by Rick Ross Book Review


Rick Ross Perfect Day

Rick Ross Perfect Day by Rick Ross Book Review 

Details of The Perfect Day to Boss Up by Rick Ross Book

  • Book Name: The Perfect Day to Boss Up
  • Authors: Rick Ross
  • Pages: 97
  • Genre: Self Help
  • Publish Date: Sep 7, 2021
  • Language: English

Book Review:

The Perfect Day By Rick Ross this book I really did enjoy. So he wrote it, like I said, during COVID. And so that was 2020. And he starts out just kind of like, you know, he was saying how he caught the fungus, you know, he called it the fungus. He had it before anybody else had it, you know, him and his couple of friends. And then when everything hit, he kind of was at home. He has a house in Atlanta, and it's the old Holyfield estate. So it's acres and acres of just land. And if you ever saw "Coming to America," that's his house. That lets you know the magnitude. So he's renting his home out to different movie studios, you know, movie people so that they can actually film there and pay him a fee.

So at home's kind of, you know, checking it out and stuff. And he has a barn, I think it's a barn. It's not active. This is just kind of sitting there and needs to be painted and updated. He has some horses and stuff. He's riding around in the tractor trailer, smoking like I'm sure he probably does on a regular basis. But it was really intriguing. He used his time to reflect on his life. And so I thought about building his empire brick by brick, every day doing something, every day sticking to his schedule, sticking to his task, you know, because each day compiles to make the next day greater.

You know, we're building this thing from scratch. Unfortunately, we have to do that. A lot of us, our families didn't leave us a whole lot. So we have to build day by day. He was talking about not wasting time, always taking advantage of what's in front of you. Y'all have the same amount of hours in the day. It just kind of depends on what you do with those hours. And he was saying, "Hi, you know, I'm kind of flashy. I got a bunch of cars." Like, he has different garages with blue cars and a red car. Oh, he has a ton of just stuff, material stuff. And he calls himself a collector. Someone tried to call him a hoarder. He's like, "I'm not a hoarder. I'm a collector. I have great things, and they collect value."

So he said, even before, you know, he got all the heavy chains and the cars in the house, he was saving his money. Like, he was stacking, and he was trying to create ways to have different streams of income. And so I really want us to take that into consideration when we're living our lives. Like, what are we doing to create streams? Now, I don't care if your stream is 25, 10 in the beginning, but, you know, as you keep going and chipping at it, it will increase as long as you're doing something that is, you know, in need, people need and they don't want, they just need to know about you.

He was saying, "I shouldn't always stay a student. I always read. I always try to figure out ways to educate yourself and to figure out what's missing." You know, they always used to say back in the day, if you want to keep information from a certain group of people, put it in the book. And the majority of all know what I'm talking about. We have, without me having to be a direct quote, put it in a book if you don't want people to know about it because a lot of people don't read.

So then he starts talking about his partnerships. Now, he owns over 20 Wing Stops. I think they're called Thy Stops. Some of them ran out of wings temporarily. But about 20 Wing Stops, and then he has agreements with Master P, with the Rap Snacks, and a whole profile proper other different avenues of income. But one he mentioned that kind of stood out to me was his deal with Bel Air, though, the wine champagne company that he has. And he met the guy that runs it, you know, way before he actually got a deal to do it.

Now, if you follow him on Instagram, and I just started because I read a book, and I'm like, I like the business out of him. Yeah, I'm cool with the rapper, but the business side of him is really doing his thing. Well, anyway, he started this relationship with the manufacturer, the owner of it. And he just started placing this champagne wine that he wanted to be an ambassador for, that he wanted to have a partnership with.

"Hey, that's my champagne. Just, you know, drink this, drink this." And so, you know, that's all people need to see is that one thing, you know, and if they can go pick it up at an actual liquor store or something, they'll buy it or, you know, wherever you get your wines and spirits or if they were even at clubs and stuff.

I think it would have heavy praises in clubs, and it was affordable. So for, I think, maybe two years, he would do that without any pay, you know, just kind of building it up and letting the sales show that what he was doing was profitable. So when it came down to decision time between him and the company, it was a no-brainer. They went for it. Then he started talking about how sometimes you got to take your L's. He didn't have all wins. You know, some things he just didn't win on, some stuff was just bad deals, didn't work out. And that's going to happen to us all, you know? Sometimes you just have to get ready for it. You probably get way more no's than you will yes, but it's the yeses that make the difference.

But you have to go through the noes, you know? Maybe just, you know, it's a delay, not denial. A maybe, you know, not necessarily a flat-out no but just not right now type of thing. And finally, he kind of just talked about different friends and things that he didn't mention. Kanye West, and then y'all probably know that Kanye's documentary is on Netflix right now. Anyway, he was saying how he went to a studio, what was the studio, like a movie studio, kind of like Tyler Studios, but it wasn't Tyler Perry Studios. It was the man that owns Chick-fil-A Studios in Atlanta, which is apparently just as big and massive as the one that Tyler Perry owns.

And he just started, like, god, this man owns all the Chick-fil-A, and he owns this huge studio. And Kanye had, like, this when he was running for president, he had his campaign over here. He had a Yeezy set up over there. He had his clothing line set up over here. And then Rick Ross's thing was like, you know, me, we've been cool for years. He said he's always had a level head when he would talk to him. So he made the comment that he believes that a lot of the different things that Kanye says is propaganda, or not necessarily propaganda, maybe the word I'm looking for is publicity stunts, you know?

He's just putting out there and trying to stir the pot because he got this new thing happening. And he said he believed that he thought Trump was the same way. Whatever, that's his words. I don't know. But it would kind of make sense. It's a good time to talk to him. He has a clear, a clean, a clear head. You know, it's like saying things that make sense, but at certain times, certain cameras are rolling, you know, certain things come out that, you know, just seem kind of off-brand for him. So he felt like that was his way of gaining popularity and attention. And I can see people doing that, you know? That's a marketing tactic. People do that kind of thing.

And so he was saying how he has his own way of doing things, stuff like placement, like having things in certain places to get people's attention and stuff. So, but this book was a great read. You should check it out. It's called "Rick Ross: A Perfect Day to Bounce Up." It's about a little over 200 pages, I guess, maybe like two feet. It wasn't too long, too, too long, but it has some good nuggets in there. And it really got me motivated to go harder, you know? I'm sure that's probably what his motive was, like put this together and show people the way of how to bounce up, how to hustle and, you know, just become well. I just wanted to share that with you all.

And the side note, I saw the news today. I saw an article that Foot Locker no longer has a deal with Nike. Nike's going to stop putting their shoes in Foot Locker. What do y'all think about it? And they expect like a minimum amount of decrease in customers, but they said they're going to try to concentrate on Adidas and Pumas and Crocs. But now, that'll mean that they can't bounce back. Maybe they'll get a deal with Yeezys or maybe they'll do something with Beyonce, like Ivy Park. I don't know. But they will have to figure that out.

But I want to put it out there in case you are a Foot Locker investor, have some of their stock, and we'll get back into some stock talk as well, as soon as I can get things going. But yeah, I want to, I started in the news today, and I want to make sure I put it out there for you all that Nike and Foot Locker are severing ties. 

I don't know what happened. Like, I didn't see the details, but I'd be interested to know why, like what happened. But maybe Nike is going more online or something. But that's a heavy distributor of their shoes for Foot Locker. So with that, but at the same time, I just think that everything is going to be fine and that they'll figure it out, you know? They always figure it out. They'll figure it out.

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