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An Inside Story by Sadhguru Book Review

An Inside Story by Sadhguru Book Review


An Inside Story by Sadhguru Book Review

Just like we know how to live We should also know how to die in a good way. It is said that our death can be predicted a few months before it happens. There are signs like not being able to see the tip of the nose if you are going to die. 

More than the journey between life and death The journey after death is a long one. Even if a person dies, their Karmic memory will be present in the environment. 

It will take 6 to 12 hours for the soul to move away from the body after a person's death. Just like how it takes 9 months for us to be born, we can't die instantly. It takes an amount of time for the body to die. 

If a young person dies, or if a person has an untimely death their thought process will be alive for almost 90 minutes. That's why there is a 90 minutes window after a person's death. 

In life, we feel that we know a lot about things that we have seen and not seen. All of us have questions about death. for which we mostly don't have the answers. Can the dead soul be really transferred to another person's body. 

Is there a rebirth? Can the dead person see us or hear us? We call the deceased people by giving food to the crow. Do they really come to us? There are many such questions. A person who is going to die. 

Does he really know that this is his last moment? We feel awkward to talk about death And even our family members try to stop us when we talk to them about death. When I was a kid, in order to practice Hindi I attended a workshop which was attended by many kids. 

Me and my elder sister were waiting in the workshop for a long time but our father didn't turn up. One of the faculties enquired where our Dad was. Instead of saying that my Dad hasn't arrived yet. 

I had said "Papa Mar Gaya" which meant Dad passed away in Hindi. My elder sister hit me which made me feel that talking about death is wrong. When someone close to us dies, there is the grief and pain of missing them. 

But death often brings emotions which we have never experienced before and there are unfulfilled wishes as well. We would want to see the dead person again and hear their voice. Can we speak to the dead? 

I have also searched for answers on websites. There is an inherent curiosity as we have new questions about our life. The reality check that this is what life is. All of this happens around death. 

The death of a person always creates a jolt for the people around. When we witness a death on the road or when an ambulance crosses us. If it is a third person, it won't affect us. 

But if it's a person close to us It affects us immensely. But death is not something negative. If the cells in our body don't die and regenerate, then it will lead to a dangerous disease. 

Life and death happens within and outside our body and all around us. Avoiding death is avoiding life as per the words of Sadhguru in this book. He has also answered a lot of questions about death. 

I read this book around 2 years back when I had questions about death. I was hesitant to talk about it and kept putting it off. The death of someone close to us brings about a much-needed change in our lives. 

It gives a new understanding We are going to talk about a book which I picked up when I had questions about death. Death by Sadhguru. To know about death, we should have a proper understanding about our birth. 

That every creation will eventually find it's end. We always welcome a birth knowing that a new life is coming into this world. Birth is when we see a creation in this world. 

Death is a journey in itself from the known to the unknown. We can say a particular person is X or Y. We the person takes a form which is difficult for us to acknowledge. We believe and define it as death of a person. 

More than the journey between life and death The journey after death is a long one. What will happen in that journey? The author starts off with how we are born into this world. 

Every life form and person comes into this world with a lot of memories. The first memory is elemental memory. The beginning of everything are the 5 elements of nature. Nothing can be in this world without these 5 elements. 

For example, Fire implies fire elements and things which have the properties of fire. All of this leads to our creation. So, the first thing is elemental memory. Next is atomic memory, we see Carbon dioxide Nitrogen etc which exists in the cosmos.

This is there in all living forms. All of this combines to form our atomic memory. The next is evolutionary memory. Are we going to be born as a plant, a human or an animal? How do we evolve and come into this world? 

What are we going to evolve into? All of this is evolutionary memory. If you are born as a human, you will have a genetic memory which you get from your parents and your forefathers. We get their brain, colour, health, DNA etc. 

All of this is coded in the genetic memory. The next one is Karmic memory. We call it Karma. There are two types, the first one comprises of memories of our previous form, our current life form and our next life form. 

The Karma of our entire being comprising of what we were before this lifetime and what we will be after this lifetime is Sanchita Karma. The Karma of this lifetime is Prarabdha Karma. 

This Karma has to be spent in this lifetime. Suppose you have 1000 units with you... You have to spend 100 units in this lifetime which is your target. If you had done that, your death is a proper one. 

But due to various reasons, if you had not exhausted your Prarabdha Karma. Then your death is not a proper one, Something is still missing. If the soul leaves the body without exhausting the Karma then it takes the form of a ghost which is left behind in a place. 

After Karmic memory, we have unconscious, conscious and subconscious memory which are all related to the mind. We have physical memory and memories of the mind. Out of all the memories Karmic memory can never be destroyed. 

Other memories will get transferred from one form to the other. But Karmic memory alone will not be dead. Even if someone dies, their Karmic memory will still be there in the environment. 

With regard to quality of life and quality of death... To know whether we have lived a full life... How much of the Prarabdha Karma have we burnt? How much of it have we not burnt? 

When we have these questions... It means that we have not lived our life well. That is why a lot of physical activity is given at the beginning of a spiritual journey to exhaust their Karma. 

But if we haven't moved a lot or done a lot in this life... Then there will be a problem in the quality of death. Prarabdha Karma is 100 units and Sanchita Karma is 1000 units. Just burning 100 units in this life is enough. 

But the ones in spiritual journey aim for more than 100 units. So that Sanchita Karma is spent in this entire lifetime. There is no life after that. They won't be reborn after that in any form. 

The aim of a person's spiritual journey is to burn their entire Sanchita Karma. If I had burnt 150 units in this lifetime then it will be less in the next lifetime. If you are wondering whether the early death of spiritual leaders is a good one... 

If a person had burnt his Prarabdha Karma he won't need his entire lifetime. You can burn it quicker. Spirituality is fast forwarding this. So, how quickly you can burn your Prarabdha Karma But what happens after a person's death. 

When a person's heartbeat ends and the breathing stops medical examination is done to declare a person dead. But you are dead only in medical terms. Just like how it takes 9 months for us to be born, we can't die instantly. 

It takes an amount of time for the body to die. There is a process for that. We can understand death only if we understand the energy systems in our body. The first one is Samana Vayu which regulates our body temperature. 

Our body temperature drops completely after our death. So, Samana Vayu goes out of our body first. The second one is Prana Vayu which comprises of our breath and our thoughts. Within 40 to 90 minutes of our breath getting stopped.... 

The prana Vayu of our body will be released gradually over this period of time. If it is an old person who dies in a good way the Prana Vayu will go off within 48 minutes. If it is a young person who has an untimely death... 

The thought process of that person will be there for almost 90 minutes. Though a person is declared dead medically. If the Yogis intervene during the release of the Vayus. The dead person can be resurrected. 

But if that time passes, they can't be brought back. Earlier, when a person dies, he will be kept in an open space. So, that all the elements of nature can combine to bring back the person alive. 

Even now, if a person dies nothing is done for almost 1 and half hours. A 90 minute window is set aside. The next one is Udana Vayu which is buoyancy. Though our weight is more we don't feel that. Udana Vayu is the reason for that. Once we get to know that someone had died... 

It will take 6 to 12 hours for the Udana Vayu to completely leave the body. Yogis can intervene until that time. Apana Vayu is when we feel that the hands or legs of a dead person is moving. Sensory system is based on Apana Vayu. 

It will take 8 to 18 hours for the Apana Vayu to leave the body. So there will be sensations and we will feel that the person is reacting to it. But it is actually Apana Vayu leaving the body within 8 to 18 hours. 

The final thing is Vyana Vayu. which protects our cells and takes care of the preservation of our body. It will take 11 to 14 days for the Vyana Vayu to leave our body. 

Thirumoolar was in Kailasam for a long time and came to South India to see Agasthiar. On the way he comes across a boy who grazes cattle. The boy is bitten by a snake. Agasthiar is clueless even as the boy is about to die. 

The cattles are scared by the sight of the boy dying. Agasthiar plans to get into the boy's body to ensure that the cattle is safely taken to it's place. And then get back to his body. 

So, he leaves his body in a place... And he transfers his soul to the boy's body. The cattle is taken to safety. Then Agasthiyar returns to get his body back, but the body is missing. So, he decided to live in the boy Moolar's body. 

The whole village begans to revere Moolar for his immense knowledge. And thus his name becomes Thirumoolar as a sign of respect. His original name was Sundaranar. 

He talks about transfer of the soul which is possible because of yogic practice. Is there a negative energy to counter the positive energy? The answer is yes according to the author. 

There might be a person who has not burnt his Prarabdha Karma. But he won't have a negative intention. They don't have that power. But they might feel the negative energy. 

They might disturb your energy which will be uncomfortable for you. There are people who still do Occult practices. We have 114 Chakras out of which 112 is in our body. while 2 Chakras are outside. 

These Chakras in our body is divided into 7 categories. The place in our body through which death happens will determine the quality of our death. Perineum is the lowest point. If we lose our life through the perineum it is considered to be a bad death. 

There is a point beyond the navel and the point in which the rib cages meet. There is a point in the throat and a point in the middle of the eyebrows. There is a point on top of the head. The point through which life is lost determines the quality of our afterlife. 

The Yogis decide that they should lose their life through the skull on top and then they die. The skull of a Yogi will have a hole just like the space in the baby's head which is not fully formed. 

If the Yogi wants, he can remove the body like a dress and choose to end their life through the skull. There is no next life for such people. Should we bury or burn a body after death? Why should we do either of these? 

Those who do agriculture do a lot of physical activity which burns their Prarabdha Karma So, they are buried. But Kshatriyas who go for war might have encountered an early death. 

They might not have burnt their Prarabdha Karma So, their bodies are burnt after death. But those who decide to end their life by choice leave some energy behind. Tombs are built in their memory to spread that residual energy. 

There are many more answers to our questions. There are some new questions as well. Death has a smell of it's own which a dog or a cat can sense. That's how pets at home foresee the death of their owners. 

Humans have moved away from understanding the language of the body. Otherwise we would be able to predict our death beforehand. like not being able to see the tip of the nose if you are going to die. 

The author talks about death and the smell of death. What about the afterlife of those who commit suicide? Can their organs be donated? There are many such questions. 

The author has explained a lot. To buy and read this book You can click the link in the description. Instead of giving a negative connotation to death, we have to understand that everyone is going to die someday. 

Just like how we know to lead a good life, we should also be able die in a good manner. If you live with awareness. You will be aware even at the time of your death even if it is an untimely death. The book is all about the dance between life and death. 

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