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Why Immigrate to Canada by Ansuman Das Book Review


Why Immigrate to Canada by Ansuman Das

Why Immigrate to Canada by Ansuman Das Book Review 

Why Immigrate to Canada by Ansuman Das, so this book is non-fiction and it is meant for every aspirant and every prospective international student who is thinking of immigrating to Canada this book is divided into six sections that cover different aspects of immigrating to Canada 

Section 1 talks about the immigration process so in this section all the steps in the process of immigrating to Canada have discussed all the documents and everything like that this section is rather technical and there is a lot to take from this section Section 2 focuses on the life in Canada 

It's called Know Your Canada and in this section, this book acquaints the reader with how it is to live in Canada in terms of the weather education places to stay section 3 discusses the employment scenario in Canada 

As to how to find a job in different industries and sectors and employer and employee rights are only a few things there is a lot to learn from this section as well then there is section 4 which talks about settlement and travel and in this section 

This book talks about why one should choose Canada and why one should move to Canada the benefits and advantages of living there and how good it is as a country in this section this book expands even more on what the living experience in Canada is like 

Section 5 is about the experiences and advice so this section consists of the success stories of immigrants who moved to Canada and then section 6 is the final section of this book and it talks about the resources checklists and faqs 

So overall this book is a comprehensive guide for any prospective immigrant planning on moving to Canada and this book has 250 pages

So this book offers a lot of information and you know this is the type of book that will require the reader to make notes and also underline key points whatever is the most relevant obviously and also this book cannot be and should not be read in a single sitting in my opinion

I mean it can be read in a single setting but it should not be because firstly it's non-fiction and secondly the topic is such that as a reader I don't think you would feel inclined to finish 

This book in a single sitting all at once because too much information overload is going to make your mind numb and you will practically zone out while reading so it's best not to do that and read this book slowly needless to say 

This book is not meant for the entertainment of the reader this book is meant to enlighten the reader about the process of immigrating to Canada so it is rather technical and detail-oriented for the most part there are some lighter parts in the book as well

But they are not that many so the best way to approach this book is to basically read it like a textbook because you are meant to gather useful information from it 

So if you are someone who has already made up your mind about moving to Canada then reading this book is not only going to be an informative experience but it is also going to be a positive one because from time to time this book keeps encouraging you about your decision from time to time 

This book keeps reinforcing the fact that your choice to move to Canada is a good one so in that way it has a very encouraging and supportive vibe if you have not decided about which country you should move to this is a book that totally talks about how you should choose Canada 

So in that way, it's going to put you in a positive frame of mind additionally if you are somebody who doesn't know anyone in Canada and if you don't have any reference points then at the very least 

This book can be your starting point there is a lot to learn from this book and obviously, practical experience cannot be substituted by reading but I definitely feel that it gives you a head start for sure like if you are completely clueless about the immigration process and about the life in Canada then reading 

This book is at least going to present an image in your mind even if only theoretically because something is better than nothing there is so much information that the reader gets to work with from this book and in that way, you can at least get an idea about your prospective Canadian life 

Whenever you are thinking of relocating and immigrating to a completely different country then obviously you should garner as much information as you can before you head off in a totally new direction and if your country of choice is Canada then this is a book that 

You can definitely consider reading because it offers a lot of factual information and alongside that, it offers a lot of tips as well that you can obviously change up according to your individual situation 

Personally, it took me a little bit longer to read this book because of the reasons that I mentioned before in this video about reading this book slowly and also the information this book provides is very enlightening 

But it is not immediately relevant to me at least not yet so reading this book was a great experience because I got to know so much about the immigration process and about the lifestyle in Canada something that I wasn't particularly aware of before 

So I like that about this book the only thing that I have to mention is that this book should have better editing and apart from that the language is easy to follow and anyone can read this book 

So if you are planning on moving to Canada and if you are planning on immigrating to Canada or are considering it then why immigrate to Canada by Anshumandas is a book that you can definitely consider reading.

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