Fight Story By Vamsidhar Chaturvedula Book Review Fight Story By Vamsidhar Chaturvedula Book Review So Fight Story is a book about two characters named Veer Bhadra and Karthik Veer Bhadra and Karthik are born into starkly different circumstances Karthik is born in a filthy rich family and Veer Bhadra is an orphan Who sort of grows up in a cremation ground and grows up under the care of that cremation grounds caretaker so basically one thing that is common between both Karthik and Veer Bhadra is that they are both meant to fight the difference that arises in the situation Where Karthik gets the best training regimens he is given all the resources required to become a great fighter Veer Bhadra on the other hand is somebody who possesses the kind of strength and the ability that is phenomenal and miraculous even So there is a lot to unpack in this story through both Veer Bhadras as well as Karthik's story so we get to read about a fishing village where ...