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Fight Story By Vamsidhar Chaturvedula Book Review


Fight Story By Vamsidhar Chaturvedula

Fight Story By Vamsidhar Chaturvedula Book Review

Fight Story By Vamsidhar Chaturvedula Book Review So Fight Story is a book about two characters named Veer Bhadra and Karthik Veer Bhadra and Karthik are born into starkly different circumstances Karthik is born in a filthy rich family and Veer Bhadra is an orphan 

Who sort of grows up in a cremation ground and grows up under the care of that cremation grounds caretaker so basically one thing that is common between both Karthik and Veer Bhadra is that they are both meant to fight the difference that arises in the situation 

Where Karthik gets the best training regimens he is given all the resources required to become a great fighter Veer Bhadra on the other hand is somebody who possesses the kind of strength and the ability that is phenomenal and miraculous even 

So there is a lot to unpack in this story through both Veer Bhadras as well as Karthik's story so we get to read about a fishing village where people are extremely poor and are terrorized by this monster of a man who has made their lives living hell over the years 

We get to read about a mining town and its challenges like drugs prostitution illegal fighting people getting experimented on we get to read about these big fighting leagues that are very Posh and Elite 

But at the same time, we discover the Diabolical truth behind these fighting leagues and basically the kingpins and their power dynamics their manipulation apart from that we also get to read Karthiks and Veer Bhadras individual Journeys through which we read about philosophies and there is that spiritual element in this book as well 

There are so many things happening in this book that it is a lot to take in and on the whole, this is a very intense story The experience of reading this book was rather fascinating because on one hand, it was an interesting read for me 

On the other hand, I did not read this one in a single sitting because there was so much happening in the story that it was quite a lot to process I wanted to understand the story well and I took my time with it 

So both Karthik and Veer Bhadra are the two driving factors of the story because they're both protagonists and I have to say that both these characters have been fleshed out rather well and what I mean by that is that every aspect of their lives has been covered quite well by the store

We get to read about their childhoods we get to read about their youths we get to read about different incidents that become the defining points of their lives and these incidents have been explained pretty well as we get to dive into both their minds 

So a lot of effort has been made to develop these characters well and in a way that becomes convincing apart from Veer Bhadra and Karthik there are other supporting characters as well in the story in both their lives and even those characters have been given their due attention and those characters have also been given a voice of their own 

So this story in that sense is quite well-rounded because it's not just about the characters it's about different aspects and different themes of the story that I mentioned before 

Also a lot of pain has been taken to make this story complete and that is something that you cannot miss as a reader this story has characters from other countries as well and even they have been given their due time and attention 

As I mentioned before even though they are the supporting characters in the story you feel connected to them as well I would like to mention the character of Akihito is a Japanese fighter who is a formidable fighter we get to read about him 

We get to read about his Sensei and there is a character named Malcolm there is a character named Warlock and then there is Adrian who is the Kingpin of the fighting leagues 

So there are so many aspects to the story so many nuances that you can't help but appreciate because all these characters also have their separate backstories which is what makes the foundation of this story on the whole quite strong and there are different philosophies that the story has discussed 

So we get to read about a very strict Indian training regimen for fighting that makes somebody who trains with this regimen three times stronger than their opponent and then he becomes as fast as a thunderbolt which is called Sakurai in Japanese 

I hope I'm saying that right so this is definitely a unique story overall because as you can tell by whatever I've told you so far about this book it's not a regular story Also the genre of the story is not a popular one it is not romance it is not mythological fiction honestly I don't know what to call this genre because there are

So many elements and so many facets to the story I'll just stick to calling it a really intense fiction that takes you by surprise and you have to prepare yourself a little bit to read this book but all that towards the end is definitely worth it 

If you want to read a story that is engaging but is a little bit different and you are not afraid to experiment in terms of your reading habits then you can pick this one up as you can see 

I've put a lot of tabs here and the reason for that is that overall the language of the story is very simple and easy to understand but still there are moments in this book that are rather poetic and lyrical and for me memorable and that why I put tabs to mark them in this book.

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