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Digitalisation In Daily Life Short Poem In English


Digitalisation In Daily Life Short Poem In English

Digitalisation In Daily Life Short Poem In English 

In a world of bytes and endless streams,

Digital waves paint vibrant dreams.

In daily life, a touch of grace,

Digital threads weave time and space.

From sunrise's glow to twilight's hue,

Screens light up with life anew.

Connections formed in digital ether,

Binding hearts, no matter the weather.

Messages sent across the miles,

Bringing laughter, sharing smiles.

Information flows like a river's flow,

Knowledge blooms, and doubts bestow.

Shopping, learning, at our fingertips,

A digital world where innovation grips.

Yet in this realm, let's not forget,

The beauty of moments that we've met.

Balance is key, for screens and skies,

To cherish both, where magic lies.

In digital currents, we're intertwined,

A modern tale of humankind.

So swipe, tap, and navigate,

Embrace the change, don't hesitate.

Digital notes in life's grand song,

A symphony where we all belong.

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