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The Hitman by Manoj V Jain Book Review


The Hitman by Manoj V Jain Book

The Hitman by Manoj V Jain Book Review 

The Hitman is the story of a man named Vivek who is about to turn 40 in a few hours When the Story begins Vivek is extremely depressed about his life and he has nothing to look forward to Also when you are completing this age-related Milestone you obviously end up taking stock of your life as a whole you end up taking stock of your previous decade

This happens when you turn 20 30 40. so that's what Vivek does he has a stable career as a coder but he doesn't have any love in his life and there is no hope of any love ever coming into his life so he is just not happy with whatever ever has been going on in his life

So he decides that he's going to spend the last few hours of being a 39-year-old in an obscure Bar Named the Brahman Bar as he enters this bar he observes other people and that makes him even more unhappy

So Vivek ends up striking up a conversation with an interesting and fascinating-looking stranger and by the end of this conversation Vivek ends up hiring the stranger to kill himself because he's just done with life but this stranger tells Vivek that he can't kill him right away

So he tells him that he'll kill him after 100 days The Hitman is definitely a philosophical read for me there are many things about this book that point to it being a philosophical read and you'll understand it once you read it so we read about the events that take place in Vivek's life during the course of these hundred days

Where he's supposed to wait for his death now this concept in itself is kind of interesting honestly because like here is a man who knows that he is going to die in fact he has arranged for it to happen and he's just waiting for that day that is what becomes the highlight of the story for the most part

It's a straightforward story you do understand as a reader the direction in which the story is pointing because it's not hard to guess and I don't think it's a bad thing because the story is not supposed to be a thriller

It is supposed to help you clear your mind in the sense that it's all a matter of perspective and that you should adopt a positive mindset that's the point of the story so it's a simple yet profound story and overall ends up having a very positive impact on the reader now there are moments in this book where Vivek thinks about the past

So as a result of all this Nostalgia or you can say all this reminiscing that he goes through we learn more about him as a character we learn about his childhood a little bit we learn about his previous relationship and that gives us more insight into why Vivek thinks the way he does there are certain wholesome moments in this book

As well that makes you smile and adds to the beauty of the story so since this is a straightforward book it has a general and broad message that it stays loyal to till the very end of the story

Now once you figure out what that message is there is nothing more to figure out that slows down your pace of reading this book Now the good thing about this book is that it's not a lengthy read at all it's a thin book it has like around 130 pages

So that is Saving Grace because had this book been any length of the year with this kind of straightforwardness it would have become a drag and that doesn't happen but it nearly does

Now the thing about the writing in this book is that it's very simple and easy to follow which is great but the story could have done with some more details and some more embellishments overall though I still love the positivity and I still enjoyed what the story was all about it made me happy to read this book so that was my review of The Hitman by Manoj v Jain.

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