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Confess by Colleen Hoover Book Review


Confess by Colleen Hoover Book Review

Confess by Colleen Hoover Book Review 

Details of Confess by Colleen Hoover's book 

  • Book Name: Confess 
  • Authors: Colleen Hoover 
  • Pages: 320
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance, Fiction
  • Publish Date:  10 March 2015
  • Language: English

Book Review:

Hey everyone, my name is Amanda, and I'm a fun-sized reader. Today, I want to talk to you about "Confess" by Colleen Hoover. "Confess" was the book that was voted in my poll for my backlist read for September, and I put it on there because, you know, you guys, if you want me to read a Coho, I will do it for you.

It was the last one that I had of hers on my shelf that was unread. I was like, it's waiting, and you picked it. Of course, you picked it. Why am I not surprised that you guys picked this? So, I read it. It did not take me very long to read. That's one of my favourite things about Coho's books—they're 300 pages, they're quick, they're bingeable, right? And the same was true for "Confess."


This book is about a girl who had a relationship with someone when she was 15. His name was Adam; he passed away, and she had a rocky connection, moving back and forth between her family and his family across the country to be able to see him because he was sick and dying. He was her boyfriend. 

She ends up coming back to Dallas where he was when he died, later, like five or six years after he died. This is kind of a story about her. I feel like if I go farther into what the synopsis is, it gives away things that were reveals for me, so I don't want to explain too much. 

But I will put the description that's on the back of the book in the description down below so you can read that. But I don't want to give reveals away. This is not going to be a spoiler.

Star Rating:

I probably will have the Colleen Hoover Community coming at me for giving this less than five stars, but again, I'm gonna be honest with you guys. This was not my favorite Colleen. This was not my favourite Colleen at all. 

I truly felt like if I had read this Colleen Hoover book first, I probably wouldn't have read as many of her other books as I have. I know that's a big statement. Those are fighting words for some people, especially because a lot of you said that this one was your favourite, and I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry that it wasn't mine. But it was okay, which led me to a star rating of two on my scale. You guys should know I have a specific scale, so two stars for me means it was okay. I didn't really like it. I didn't love it. It was just fine.

After reading this book, I could see why there are so many Colleen critics that say that she writes books that are overly dramatic just for drama and twists and turns because that's kind of how I felt about this one, and I haven't really felt that way about all of her other ones. 

I just felt like there was more drama and more just devastating connections and devastating twists just for the emotional response, and I didn't really have that emotional response to this book. And I don't know why because I have had it with all of her other ones. 

I was just kind of like, "Oh yeah, makes sense that the most devastating thing that could possibly be happening is what's happening. Makes sense that there's lying and keeping secrets in this," and I was just like, I just kind of wanted it to be different.

Spice Rating:

I would give this one, it was like borderline a three, but it was barely a three. So, I'm gonna stick with two. So this is two chili peppers. There was not that much spice in it, but there was some spice in it. 

It was a little bit more of a slow burn kind of because of the storyline, which will make sense when you read the book. It was not super spicy, at least not compared to some of her other books. I really liked the idea like the basis of the story—the confessions that have the artwork. Like that was super cool. 

There were elements of the book that I did really like that I thought were unique, which is a very uniquely Colleen thing. But I just thought the story overall—first off, I had just come off reading "Reminders of Him" this year, and so it felt similar. I'll say that. It felt similar. 

I know she obviously wrote this one first, but I read that one first, so it just felt like I was getting a very similar book again, and I don't love when that happens. I don't like reading the same book over and over.

Also, you guys know that I do not like cheating tropes at all. I don't like cheating tropes, and this one had a cheating trope in it. And I don't care if we know that the characters are destined to be together. 

I still don't think that that condones cheating, and that's just my personal opinion, and that's okay. Like, you don't have to agree with me. That's fine. But I don't like reading that in books. 

I don't like romanticizing this idea of we're just destined to be together, so we can cheat on the other person that we're with. I think it takes away the integrity of the character in my mind, and it's okay if you don't agree with that. That's totally fine. 

Like, it happened in very, very popular movies that I love the movies, but there's that part of it that I don't love. I'm not gonna ruin what movie that is, like the one that I'm thinking of. If you haven't seen it, most people have seen it, but I'm not gonna ruin it.

That was one of the big things that just really knocked it down for me I hate the cheating trope, and I think it was put in there just for a more dramatic response. Yeah, sorry guys. Sorry I didn't love this one, but at least I read it. 

It's finally on my shelf. I can probably—it is safe to say that because of the two-star rating, this one is the lowest on my ranking of Colleen books that I read.

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