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Why men Rape by Tara Kaushal Book Review


Why men Rape by Tara Kaushal

Why Men Rape by Tara Kaushal Book Review 

She will say no. I will ask again and again. Finally, she will stop saying no which implies that it is a Yes. So, I keep trying and I remove her dress. She didn't say anything after that. which implies that she also wants it. But she is shy in the beginning. 

I just want you to know that I r**ed your wife to punish you. because women are more interested in sex. But they won't say it out loud. So, that's why they do this work. Will anyone do the work that they dislike? 

I won't lay my hands on my friend's sisters. It's a bro code. Fear comes in when a man has sex with many women. So, he ponders over what can be done if the woman he marries is forced to have sex with someone. 

But the shocking fact is... People who r***ed didn't know that it was r**e. Insecure men want to r**e women just to tell them to sit in their house. On one side we talk about the rights of women. On the other side, r**e happens. or environmental hazards or death. Do you always keep talking about this? 

There are so many positive things. But why do we have to talk about negative things? When the whole world was celebrating a festival I got a call that my Dad was dead. Negative things don't happen as per our comfort or time. 

It might happen accidentally. But beyond this r**e shocks you. Even in Nirbhaya's case, She would have wanted to go home after the movie. She had positive thoughts But that day wasn't positive for her. 

We have to analyze why it wasn't positive for her. To know what we have to do to prevent all this. We have to know why such thoughts arise and why some people do it. Are they not able to see another woman as a human? or does this problem arise because women are seen as humans? 

To know all this, Tara Kaushal has conducted a secret investigation instead of speaking directly to the accused. People who commit such crimes are not merely r***ists. There are many adjectives to describe them. But they also r***d Why did they do this? Why wasn't a case filed against them? 

But these are messages conveyed by the victims. The stories of r**e that happened over the years. The information given by sources. Based on all of this the author had met 9 people. 

She didn't pose questions regarding the r**e directly. She went undercover and met them and told them that a film was going to be made based on real powerful men. This book accounts for her ideologies and understanding based on the information she had collected from these 9 people. 

Why Men Rape? by Tara Kaushal is exactly what the title suggests. Are women the only victims of torture? Doesn't it happen to men? Aren't men subjected to physical and sexual abuse? 

Both genders cause problems for each other? But when it comes to kids there is no gender differentiation. Both genders are subject to abuse. When they are kids, the girl child is usually protected but the boy is rarely protected and doesn't have awareness. 

So, when the boy goes through abuse the opportunities to talk about that or to come out of it are very difficult. So, both the boy child and the girl child have equal chances of being victims of abuse. 

But as adults, r**e and physical abuse are common to women because of the patriarchal set-up. But the shocking fact is... People who r***ed didn't know that it was r**e. 

First, what is R**e? It is sexually assaulting a person without permission. or inserting their private part or a thing into the vagina is r**e. So, why do they not understand r**e? 

The thinking is that A woman will say no I will ask again and again. Finally, she will stop saying no which implies that it is a Yes. How will a girl say no to such a guy? That is not possible. 

Do I look like someone to whom the girl will say no? What a man I am? So, I keep trying and I remove her dress. She didn't say anything after that. which implies that she also wants it. But she is shy in the beginning. 

That's why she said no at first. I surpassed it. But that doesn't mean rape. Many live with this understanding. Why do you think women are sex workers? because women are more interested in sex.

But they won't say it out loud. So, that's why they do this work. Will anyone do the work that they dislike? This question was asked by some men? While talking about the Nirbhaya case one particular subject says that... One particular subject says that having sex was right but inserting a rod was wrong. 

One should not kill the victim. But r**e and sexual abuse is okay. It is not because of being considerate towards a life. That is not the case. The accused in jail won't talk to the r**e accused people. Not because of the act of r**e. 

But because the woman didn't want to have sex with him he did it by force. He is not even fit to be a man. So, the one who kills a woman is not a man. This happens because women are considered inferior. 

All this happens due to patriarchy. But how does it get into their head? In one incident, a person who drinks with his cousin gets reminded of a man who had borrowed from him and hasn't returned the money. 

The two go to the house of the man who borrowed though the cousin doesn't want to do it because they are drunk. But the man wants to confront the person who had borrowed. 

The man who borrowed runs away from the house after knowing that the person who lent him money has come. But the wife is still in the house. So, the lender wants to teach a lesson to the borrowed person. The two men gangr**e the wife. Usually after such an act, there is clarity and remorse. 

There would be a feeling of guilt. But after the r**e the two men go to a sex worker. After the husband arrives they beat him up with the thought that they have taught him a lesson. 

The wife has been r***d as a punishment to the husband. Then they go to the sex worker and their day ends. Women are held on a pedestal... In chess, the king is the most powerful, so he is a checkmate. 

But before that, the other properties belonging to the king have to be destroyed. And then finally checkmate. Till then the king's properties are killed. We always place the dignity of a family and society on a woman. 

So, to insult a society or a family, insulting the woman is enough. So, when women are placed on a pedestal... destroying a family implies destroying the women in the family. This is what happens when there is no gender equality. 

One person said that he would ogle at other women and have sexual relationships with them. He won't lay his hands on his friend's sisters. It is a bro code. I thought it was because it would be difficult to do such things to a friend's sister and then face the friend. But that is not the case. 

It has more to do with not insulting a friend by having pre-marital sex with his sister. It would mean insulting the friend's family. The dignity of a friend's family is again placed on a woman. 

So, laying hands on the woman from that family is wrong. But there is no such problem about other women. How can a person with such thoughts trust his wife or partner? They can force other women in the village to have sex with them. So, they are having sex. 

Similarly, they can give money and have sex with a sex worker. Fear comes in when a man has sex with many women. So, he ponders over what can be done if the woman he marries is forced to have sex with someone. 

So, the person exhibits controlling behaviour. In places where there is an imbalance of man-woman ratio... The number of women is lesser per 1000 men. Certain men will be able to find their women. while the others won't. In a polygamous set-up... Powerful men will be able to marry many wives. 

So there will be more men without partners or wives. So, they will remain restless, angry and irritated. This will pave the way for war. When there is an imbalance in the man-woman ratio the conflict will be more. 

Patriarchy has been there for a long time. That was because women were tolerant and didn't know there was an option to come out of it. Women in cities are very much aware of their rights. They can make decisions on their own.

They know that they are not the property of men. When they know that, why should they remain submissive? When they know something is wrong... They want to voice out. which will automatically lead to conflict as women are no longer tolerant. 

The conflict is necessary. Crossing the conflict will lead to a resolution. We are in a period where there is more conflict. R**e cases are reported more in cities. Women know that it is a r**e. 

They are not okay with it. They know that they can talk about it. In cities, there are women who are aware. On the other hand, men who are rooted in patriarchy migrate from village to city. 

This awareness by women becomes a cultural shock for such men. When such men want to be a woman they ask the other family members and elders. Even during marriage, the Dad takes responsibility. This becomes a man-to-man transaction.

But now if you want to be with a woman you have to talk to her. In the worst-case scenario, she might say no to him. The first subject wasn't even ready to accept that his wife's consent was needed to have sex. 

The right to choose a sexual partner was unacceptable to him. The power given to women is seen as a threat by such men. Insecure men want to r**e women just to tell them to sit in their house. 

Let's get back to the old world order. where I will deal with your man and not with you. Men who want the old world set up cannot accept this change. The author has spoken about Bollywood and Economy. 

Insecure men are intimated by powerful women. With regards to the economy, 70 per cent of our wealth is with 20 per cent of the population. The rest of the wealth is distributed unequally. When coming to the city, a man thinks about what gives him power. 

It could be caste, gender, money... To earn the money Man has to work. But the rich men and women in the city ensure that the money doesn't reach me properly. Then comes threatening and beating up a person to get money. And when the women turn into competitors It becomes a threat. 

A man is wealthy, has the power and has overcome the caste barrier. So, when he calls the woman for sex she should come. How can a woman say no? Who gave her that right? So, the men are unable to tolerate it. I have spoken this much about only one character. 

She has interviewed all types of men belonging to different castes. She has travelled everywhere and covered both upper and lower castes. The different earning sections have been covered. Different educational qualifications have been covered along with illiterates. She has covered everything.

The book is all about the mindset of men. We always blame the woman using different scenarios when r**e happens because not all women are r***d. Only some are victims. So, women are conveniently blamed. 

But my question is different. I have come across many women indulging in all sorts of stuff but not all men r**e. Only a few do it. This book is to understand the mindset of such men. Not all men are like that. But the few make us fear other men. 

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