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Embodied Imaginations by Chidambaram Ramesh Book Review


Embodied Imaginations by Chidambaram Ramesh

Embodied Imaginations by Chidambaram Ramesh Book Review 

While reading certain books or seeing certain characters in movies, we feel that the characters are awesome. How will it be if there is such a character in real life? The film Maaveran which came out recently explores a certain theme. 

The character which the cartoonist draws... is unlike him and is very strong. The character is very bold and questions injustice. The character starts to guide the hero in the film after a certain point. 

The character which the hero created becomes very powerful. and guides the hero. This has been explored as "Embodied Imaginations." by Chidambaram Ramesh in this book. 

Famous personalities who have been writers across centuries say that... when they start to write, the words start to flow just like that. Many writers have said that this is a common experience in their lives. Certain writers come across the characters that they write about later in their lives. 

When they start to write, these characters speak to them. We read a book titled "The Color Purple." While writing that book the author felt that she had met those characters. 

Is this imagination or something that happens in their mind? Is this reality or confusion? Where does this end? These questions have been answered through theories and examples in this book... While writing a character, the writers would have a certain story in their mind. 

which includes the actions of the character and the events in the character's life. After a point, the characters start talking to you. and it will tell you how to develop a particular scene. The problems that could be faced by the character. The likes of the character. 

What would the character do at a certain point? The character would tell you all of this after a certain point. The more the writer thinks about a character... The writer is in deep thinking and goes to another level of consciousness. 

When the writer is in that consciousness and flow... the writer gives life to the character. and the character itself will dictate certain things to the writer. After a point, certain writers stop writing... because the character won't listen to them. and starts losing direction. or else the character is given a space where it can do anything. So, the character starts doing a lot of things. 

The character guides the writer as he writes. But the character and the writer lose touch with each other after a point. The character won't communicate anything and there won't be life in the character. 

Elizabeth Gilbert has written a book titled "Big Magic." She says that beyond the creatures and elements of this earth... there are thoughts. which arise from a different level of consciousness. This is like a different earth which is there along with earth. Not everyone can reach this point. 

When artists and writers are in a trance and reach a different level of consciousness. they can tap a different creative realm. On the other hand, a lot of characters and ideas... never fade away even after people die. They have a form and energy of their own. 

The energy will keep waiting. Anyone for whom the antenna works to enable them to reach a plane of consciousness... Such an artist or a writer will get the creative energy. The thoughts and ideas will search for people to manifest themselves. Writer Ann Patchett has thought of a story which happens in the Amazon Forests.

After writing up to a certain point, she calls her friend who tells her the rest of the story. The author says that though she wanted to write earlier she didn't and she is writing only now. The eureka moment between the two friends was... how the two of them thought of the same thing at the same time. 

There is no time and space for the invisible realm like our earth. There are a lot of things in that realm. Those who can tap those things can bring them into an art form. But for that, the frequencies should match. 

But it can be disturbing for a few to tap the things in the invisible realm. Certain writers won't feel like finishing a story after they have started it. But the pressure given by the character compels them to finish it. The characters almost scare them to finish off the story. 

On the other side, in a particular room in an apartment... A writer has rented a space over there and is writing a story. He writes a story about a human who looks like a monkey. After writing the story, he vacates the room and the story gets published. 

But after a while, people seem to spot a human who looks like a monkey in that apartment. This shocks the writer who was in that apartment. The author feels that his imagination is so strong. The people in Tibet refer to this as Tulpa.

When a thought or an imagination is given a lot of power... it gets a form of its own. That form is termed Tulpa. Sometimes the thought process of a person can be figured out easily. There was a psychologist who had a patient... While talking to the patient, he sensed sand in the patient's hand. 

He had enquired the patient about his work. But it was not related to sand in any way. But the psychologist felt the presence of sand. The thing was the patient was gardening before coming to meet her psychologist. Though the patient had cleaned up... the other person could sense the presence of sand. 

Our thoughts and imaginations could be very powerful. A particular writer had written this... The villain tries to kill the hero's wife in the story. As the writer is writing the scene... someone tries to come into the room. and the writer's wife is screaming. She felt that someone was trying to strangle her. 

The writer is scared to write further as he is scared that it might become true. Another writer visits a place with the hope of writing about it. Suddenly as she looks outside the window she can sense the happenings in that place. 

But the writer can't believe it. If something had happened in the place where I am sitting... It is a past event. But it is still there in the invisible realm. It is filled with the events of the past and the present. 

As humans, we will be able to access this. or the events would be able to access us. Leo Tolstoy often says this about his work. After waiting for a long time, a sudden creative burst often helps us write all that we want to. 

A sudden burst of emotions makes the writer feel possessed. which leads to a rush of output without control. For Charles Dickens, the characters he writes are based on the people he meets. He walks a long distance which is important for his creative flow. 

While walking he notices people who resemble the character that he is writing. But he moves away without meeting them. He often used to say that the characters he wrote about tortured him. 

Those would be characters he had finished writing about. He would often explain this to his friends. He believed that his characters were alive. Sometimes they would be disturbing Sometimes they would be inspiring. Sometimes the character would be hilarious. 

A character of his would tell jokes to him while he was in church and he would struggle to control his laughter. He talks about this to the people who are with him. Most of the writers have these emotions with different intensity levels. 16 years before the Titanic drowned. 

Someone had written a story which was 99 per cent similar. All the details about the ship were quite similar. because the thoughts were from a different realm. As per the author's perspective, the thoughts regarding a future event were already there and had reached the writer. Robertson was the writer. 

The vessel's name was SS Titan. It was an 800-foot-long ship. while the Titanic was 882 feet long. It could carry up to 3000 passengers. while there were 2220 passengers on the Titanic. It was written that SS Titan would hit the iceberg while moving at the speed of 25 knots on its maiden voyage. 

while the speed of the Titanic was 23 knots when it hit the iceberg. The story had 20 lifeboats while Titanic had 24 lifeboats. The length of the ship was the same in the story and in the real-life event. And the drowning had happened in April in both cases. The propeller and passenger numbers were identical. 

The speed of impact and type of impact were also the same. There were a lot of similarities between fiction and real life which fit the author's theory. An artist was able to draw 300 portraits a year... because he could imagine a person in the object he was drawing. 

Even if there was no real person he could visualize the details. There was something beyond the subconscious mind which made him see things. You have an antenna which helps you to bring in imagination from another world. When the writers are in a dream state they visualize that the ideas were told to them by someone else or by great thinkers of the past. 

Our ideas would be here long after we are gone So, the things that were not able to say or didn't want to say... could be told long after we are gone. That was a great thought. If needed, we could access a higher plane with abundant ideas... This felt awesome and scary at the same time. 

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