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The Legend Of Bahirji Naik By Shreyas Bhave Book Review


The Legend Of Bahirji Naik By Shreyas Bhave

The Legend Of Bahirji Naik By Shreyas Bhave Book Review 

The Legend of Bahirji Nayak by Shreyas Bhave is a historical fiction novel and this story focuses on the pivotal role played by Chhatrapati Shivaji in restoring the dwindling treasury of their Swarajit 

So a brilliant spy is supposed to be invisible and anonymous and this story focuses on two spies Bahirji Bundle and Sadashiv Nayak and their apprentice Shashi Dhaj which is why it's a unique story to read because it talks about how important spies are in an empire's success 

So basically the plot of the story is that Bahirji and Sadashiv along with Shashi Dhaj have to find out about different ways to sack the city of Surat which is a prosperous city so that they can fill up the treasuries of their Swaraj and how they go about doing it is the main premise of the story 

This is one of those stories that has a lot of characters and a lot of stakeholders as the Marathas the Mughals and the English all have stakes in the city of Surat which is thriving and prosperous and there are many subplots and characters in the story

It's a very well-structured book because right at the beginning of this book the author provides a full chapter where he talks about how he has taken creative liberties with what actually transpired 

The author has provided the facts as well as his own thought process at the beginning of the book and there is a list of characters as well that has been provided so the first thing that you immediately notice while reading this story is the attention to detail be 

It in terms of the characters be it in terms of different scenes in the story everything goes together very well and everything fits perfectly there is nothing abrupt about how the characters behave or how the story moves forward it is also seamless which is something

I loved not even once did my flow break while reading this story and the characters in the story are quite well fleshed out because the main characters of this story are Bahirji Bundle Sadashiv Nayak and Shashidh and they have ample space in the story 

This is obvious but there are so many other characters who are also given proper roles in the story and none of those characters seem half-baked For example there is Shamsher Ali's character 

There is Veerji Vora's character and there are many others whose emotions and thought processes are talked about in the story in a way that even though they are not the main characters they add and contribute to the story in an important way 

Well which is why the entire experience of reading this book feels very very complete when this story begins Bahirji Bundle and Sadashiv Nayak are already seasoned spies and they are very good at what they do but Shashi Dhaj is a beginner and is an apprentice 

So together with him as readers we undertake a journey where he stumbles gets up again matures and has a lot of character development that we get to read about in the story together 

It feels very wholesome because being a spy seems like a very exciting thing to do but it has huge and grave consequences because it is a job that demands a lot from the person who does it so this story has suspense and a thrill element 

Which is present for a good part of the story and the way the suspense unfolded was decently good to me I did what many readers do I tried to suspect different characters I tried to formulate my own theories 

But what happened was something that was unexpected for the most part although I will admit that the suspense and the thrill element of the story was really not the highlight 

At least there were other things that I was more focused on as a reader that I have already talked about, This story really had a lot going on in it Also the pace of the story was decent to good as I said in the beginning that the story flows very seamlessly 

So my flow did not break even once I really enjoyed the writing in the story the writing and the language in this book contributed very positively to the overall effectiveness of the story 

So if you are looking to read a great historical fiction novel that you will enjoy reading then The Legend of Bahirji Nayak by Shrees Bhave is a book that I definitely recommend you pick up.

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