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Psychological Love By Aniket Vats Book Review


Psychological Love By Aniket Vats Book Review

Psychological Love By Aniket Vats Book Review 

Psychological Love is a Story of a Guy Named Rahul Who is Pursuing Mba and He Falls in Love With a Girl Named Sirath Who is a Teacher in a School 

So This Book Has Love It Has Friendship and It Has the Pressure of Studies So These Are the Three Main Themes That We Read About 

Now Rahul is the Protagonist of the Story Obviously and He is a Very Active Guy He's Not an Overthinker He's Somebody Who Believes in Taking Action to Solve Problems Rather Than Dwell on Them 

So in the Story We Read About How He Goes About His Love Story With Cedarth How He Faces Certain Challenges That He Has in Case of His Love Story and We Also Read About Him in Terms of How Helpful He is as a Person How He is Ready to Help His Friends 

So All in All This is a Very Relatable Story Because All These Things Are Something That All Young People Can Relate to Studies Do Bring a Lot of Pressure and There Are Ups and Downs in One's Love Life as Well and Then When Friendship is a Very Important Part of One's Life 

So All These Themes Are Very Youth Oriented So in That Sense the Author Has Targeted the Young Readership of the Country So Basically 

Rahul is the Main Focus in the Story He is Obviously the Protagonist of the Story and the Story Has Been Told in First Person by Rahul and We Read About How Rahul Goes About His Life 

There Are Other Characters as Well but It's Like Everybody is Introduced to the Reader Through Rahu's Perspective and How He Perceives That Character 

So Basically Rahul is a Very Helpful Friend One Thing That is Very Clear in This Book is That He Goes Out of His Way to Achieve His Own Goals and He Also Goes Out of His Way to Help People Around Him 

So He's a Very Generous and a Very Compassionate Person So This Book Also Focuses on the Pressure That Comes Along With Acquiring a Reputed Degree Like Mba 

Now It's Not Just About Acquiring That Degree You Also Have to Get a Certain Score Otherwise You Are Doomed Pretty Much Because That's How Competitive the Environment is and Mostly the Students Are Up for It Because That's How They Have Been Conditioned and That's How They Prepared Their Mind 

So the System is to Basically Pressurize the Students and Get the Best Result Out of Them in Terms of the Output That They're Able to Give and a Lot of Students Are Okay With This Some Are Even Able to Thrive Under This Pressure 

But Then There is a Certain Section of Students Who Are Not Able to Thrive in Fact They End Up Losing Their Mental Health and They End Up Getting Depressed and That is Because Not Every Person is Same It's Not a One-size-fits-all Policy 

But That is How the Education System Works and That is Something That Has Been Pointed Out in the Story as Well in the the Form of a Student Named Srishanth 

So This Book Has Focused a Lot on This Negative Side of the Education System So This Book Has 130 Pages So It's a Pretty Quick Read and It Gets Over in No Time the Story Has a Bit of a Drama Element as Well in Terms of the Ups and Downs 

That the Characters Go Through and in Terms of the Twists and Turns That the Story Has Towards the End Everything Gets Tied Up Neatly and the Author Has Tried to Include a Whole Lot of Things in These 130 Pages and I Will Say That to an Extent He Succeeded in Doing That 

Now the Story is Based on Certain Topics Like Friendship Love the Pressure That Studies Bring These Are Very Generic Topics on One Hand but on the Other This is the Very Reason the Story Becomes Relatable and the Readers Can Connect With It Instantly 

So the One Major Issue That This Book Faces is the Editing or Rather the Lack of It Because I Had to Read Sentences Over and Over Again to Make Sense of Them 

See When You Are Reading a Book the Language and the Way That Book Has Been Edited Makes a World Difference in Terms of the Reading Experience That the Reader Gets and in Case of This Book That Experience is Full of a Lot of Efforts

It's Not Effortless and That is an Issue and I Hope That Issue Gets Fixed Because if That Happens Then This Book and the Story Will Have a Flow That Will Be Seamless and It Will Be an Easier and a More Convenient Experience for the Reader to Read This Book and That Will Definitely Enhance the Story as Well 

So Overall Psychological Love by Aniket Vats is a Light-hearted Read With Some Relatable Themes but It Definitely Needs Improvement in the Editing Department, That Was It.

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