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Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood Book Review

Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood

Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood Book Review 

Love, theoretically by Ali Hazelwood, from the cover you can already tell that this kiss was not intentional so the just of the story goes let's say that Olive is a grad student 

She kisses the first man she sees in front of her best friend because she wants her to believe that she is dating someone and the man is none other than a professor later on he agrees to play fake dating with her it might not be the right decision for olive 

Since she catches feelings later on and then what's going to happen is another story this is just now let's move on to the good points about this book 

So the first thing is that the character building in this book is so great and it was very refreshing to read about the scientist's background my heart actually got attached to Olive and I could feel everything she felt 

This book just got me hooked for the most part of it and also the friendship aspect between Olive and harmed Malcolm was super duper great it was a friendship that anyone would like to have really and some brownie points for the gorgeous cover and easy-to-read language for even the beginners 

So you might as well give it a shot oh wait there are some bad points or I'll say the things that would be improved in this book as well so let's start with number one so first thing is this is a story that builds tension more than it provides romance 

So 70 per cent of the book is actually the development of romance or the anticipation of them getting together romance part or the steaminess in it doesn't stay for so long and it wasn't very enjoyable too since Olive came out to be a demisexual other thing I really really disliked was that

It was written from Olive's point of view and it would have been so great to read Adam's point of view too especially in the beginning the lengthy build-up and lack of romance got me giving it only 4.2 stars 

Which is I think okay in itself every book doesn't have to be five stars I didn't regret reading it at all the world-building just made me feel like a part of the story which was crazy since in the beginning like most of the people said it was too lazy, to begin with but the part where anticipation comes 

It's so very great because it moves you along with the story and it had me hooked I wanted to read what was going to happen even if it did not meet my expectations but the anticipation and the craziness were too much I read this book in three days and it was an amazing experience 

It was like reading everything that's been going on in the mind of Olive one more thing that each chapter had this little paragraph to begin with and I thought it was kind of giving away the whole enjoyment of the story 

Since it gave the scene of it and like we should find that ourselves what is going to happen what character is going to enter the story or what moment they are going to enjoy but this kind of gave it away for me 

But then I thought that there were things that I didn't think of happening the twists and turns and there were some things that I thought would happen and didn't happen so that kept my attention going 

But the parts that I just showed you I think were annoying really annoying so this is all I had to say regarding this book 

I didn't regret reading it I would recommend everyone they should read it because I don't know a book is not much about the story as much as it is about the words and how it keeps you hooked which for me 

It did a great job and the cover is worth having the book for even if you are not going to read it I even put this top on since it matches the cover that's how much I love it.

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