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It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey Book Review

  It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey Book Review It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey, that's what this is about. So, I just finished it; it was an audiobook. I put this in the genres: adult contemporary romance fiction, open door, and instal-love. I gave it two stars. I have read one other Tessa Bailey book, which was "Fixer Up" like two years ago, and I gave it one star. I think I read the review that I wrote, and I couldn't really remember the book that much; I didn't like it, I knew that. And I remember that I didn't like it, so this was kind of my second chance for Tessa Bailey. But I didn't remember the story that much, so I had to read a lot of reviews to remember what even happened. That was why when I read this book, I finished it, and I was like, I don't have that many thoughts about it. So, I don't even know if I will write a review or anything. That's the problem though because I will forget everything I liked, everything abou

The Courage To Be Disliked Book Summary

    The Courage To Be Disliked Book Summary Hello good people of the internet, welcome to a very special episode of the Unlearning Playground podcast. Today, what I'm doing is I'm reviewing one of my favourite books. And you know, with a guy like me, I think you would expect me, when I say that I'm reviewing one of my favourite books, to review one of the books that are placed in this section here, within this section.  I think there are at least a dozen books that I've devoured multiple times over the years and have loved over so many years. But still, when I chose to review a book today, I decided to review what is probably the most recent addition to the list of my favourite books. And it is this book, "The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ishiro Kishimi and Fumitake. I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing these names correctly, by the way. These are Japanese names. But this is a beautiful, beautiful book. And I think what I love the most about this bo

Deep Work by Cal Newport Book Review

  Deep Work by  Cal Newport Book Review We know very well that we can be in a good position if we want to. We can achieve what we want to achieve. But something is stopping us. But we are not sure what is stopping us. When someone races past us, we often feel that we should have been in that place. If they are like us, what did they do to get to the winning point? And why couldn't we go there? All these questions are answered in Cal Newport. We want to do a lot of things in life. There are a lot of material and personal aspirations for us. And we never want to waste time by being idle or by watching various stuff across the internet. But we waste our time by being idle or doing unnecessary things. How do we stop that and achieve our goal? We have a lot of distractions. We are bombarded with notifications from various apps and end up using them, thus resulting in earnings for the app company. We are aware of that now. So, the person who doesn't waste his time on unnecessary thin

The Independent Mind By Osho Book Review

The Independent Mind By Osho Book Review  In our lives, we buy things that others have. We buy cars because others have them. We go to schools because others go there. Like this, we copy from other people, and to add to that, we think the way others do. That is, we don't think on our own. We borrow thoughts from others. These are not my words, but the words of Osho. Why should we listen to Osho's words? How much do you know about him? That documentary. What's its name? Wild Wild Country, right? If you ask me have you seen that? And you're wondering why I'm listening to him? Even he.. Even he says, "Don't listen to everything I say." He's asking us to think on our own. The so-called "Independent mind" is very, very important, says Osho. Let's jump into that book and see what's inside. One of the first things he says is we've been taught that we have mind, body, and soul. Ask him if there is something called a soul, and he says